Paris Hilton Contact Lenses

Should you get blue Paris Hilton contact lenses for a fresh new fashion look, just like many other celebrities?

It never ceases to amaze me how fashion constantly changes and how quickly followers of fashion adopt the styles of celebrity icons to look just like their favorite stars.

Colored contacts have most definitely become a fashion accessory and, as they are available in both prescription form (for people like me who are as blind as a bat without them) and also non prescription form (for people with perfect eyesight), anyone can wear them.

Paris Hilton is one of many celebrities who use different colored lenses to enhance or change their eye color, depending on what mood they are in.

Celebrity Contacts

parishiltoncontactlenses Paris Hilton Blue Contacts

Paris normally wears blue contacts for that bright-eyed look as you can see in the picture opposite. She has also been photographed on many occasions with one contact lens either missing or lop-sided, giving her a rather unusual look!

But maybe not so silly as Britney Spears who was once photographed with different colored lenses - one green and one blue. Perhaps she was making her own fashioin statement, but I personally think she mixed up the lenses while inserting them in the bathroom!

Blue Colored Contacts

Should you try blue colored contacts to get the Paris Hilton look?

If you normally wear contacts to correct your vision, you may want to try colored lenses, especially as they now come in affordable disposable form - see my page on color eye contacts for information on where to buy them.

If you have perfect vision, then please bear in mind that putting a piece of plastic into your eye purely for fashion reasons, may carry risks. Eye infections and itchy sore eyes are just two of them.

NB: If you are new to wearing contacts, then please pay a visit to an optician before deciding to buy non prescription colored lenses - he will be able to tell you whether your eyes are suitable for wearing lenses and also what SIZE of lens you require.

My page on buying non corrective color contacts gives more advice on where to buy and what steps to take to ensure you don't succumb to an eye infection.

Have fun changing your eye color and in order to get the Paris Hilton contact lenses look!

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